Thursday, February 19, 2009

My Theories # 1

Titled : No Title

A time to adjust
Life is just unwrapping before me,
it has been blurred and it's in focus now

Difficulties  that have been breaking me down,
now they are past the horizon.

Seeing clearer and being more focused,
is the way to go forward

To realize "I was broken for a long time, but it's over now..."*
To see the truth behind this song, to realize this is how i was 
for a while but now I'm free, and leaving the past 
behind & pushing strongly and keeping my head up high 

* I was broken by Robert Pattinson

My explanation

Well i bet your wondering her theories?? what the heck??

well i tend to write poems lets say...
i don't kno what to really call them, its jus when im in my own train of thought i tend to just blank out and then i start to write down what comes to mind.
well i call them my theories just to give my writing or whatever a title

my theories isn't my opinion, or ideas on nothin its jus the title of my little writings i do so i do got theories but it doesn't apply to my writings or whatyoumightcallit 

if you got an idea of a title for my writings please be my guest and tell me.

--kimmie =]


Just a few words to define myself
Well just to say welcome to my blog, I'm new at this so bare with me...
I am a very decent person ( few people don't think i am..) but i think i am.
I tend to me shy at first but then just get more open. 
I got a good persona i might say but i can look innocent 
but if you cross the line well everyone has bad days right?

hmm what else to say??? idk

---kimmie =]